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MySQL & Linux

Repository Ekleme Paket Kurulumu Sunucuyu Çalıştırma Ek Güvenlik Ayarları Öncelikle Firewall tarafıondan 3306 portunu açıyoruz.. firewall-cmd –add-port=3306/tcp firewall-cmd –permanent –add-port=3306/tcp Uzak Bağlantı için Ayarlar; /etc/my.cfg yada…

Docker Xmrig

docker run xmrig/xmrig -o pool.supportxmr.com:3333 -u 48QFT1kPSc1UZWeXYyrwWFBDTQzwQeV3QKojJxEdkV8fJ27Pxc5TcyHQNdU9yWZ6gzCLt5Et9D8dT9hEy94JRYjVVS5k2WX -p hqz:mustafa@ozkayalar.com –donate-level=1

Network setup in DOS. Microsoft Network Client 3.0

In order to install Microsoft Network Client 3.0 and set up network in DOS, there have to be several programs at hand:

1Microsoft Network Client 3.0 [ Download ]

2. NDIS 2.0 driver for Ethernet network card. For example: Realtek RTL8029AS [ Download ]. Drivers for other network cards may be found, for instance, on web sites of Ethernet cards manufacturers.

3. If it is not MS-DOS 6.0+ to be used, QEMM97 [ Download ]

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