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RTMP server using nGinx

Step 1: Get a Server Box

Note to Windows users: This guide focuses on using Linux. If you want to use Windows, you can find Windows binaries for nginx with the RTMP module already included here: http://nginx-win.ecsds.eu/download/

Note to Mac users: You can install nginx with the RTMP module via Homebrew: http://brew.sh/homebrew-nginx/

If you are hosting your server in your home, you will have to forward TCP port 1935 to the box…this varies by router, so look up how to set up port forwarding for your router. Also, I recommend using a dynamic DNS service to overcome dynamic IP issues that come up with residential hosting.

Step 2: Installing nginx with RTMP module

Log into your box, and make sure you have the necessary tools to build nginx using the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libpcre3 libpcre3-dev libssl-dev

Now a bit of info about nginx (pronounced “engine-X”). nginx is an extremely lightweight web server, but someone wrote a RTMP module for it, so it can host RTMP streams too. However, to add the RTMP module, we have to compile nginx from source rather than use the apt package. Don’t worry, it’s really easy. Just follow these instructions. 🙂

From your home directory, download the nginx source code:

$ wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.15.1.tar.gz

As of this writing, the latest stable version of nginx is 1.15.1. You can find the latest version on the nginx download page.

Next, get the RTMP module source code from git:

$ wget https://github.com/sergey-dryabzhinsky/nginx-rtmp-module/archive/dev.zip

Unpack/unzip them both, and enter the nginx directory:

$ tar -zxvf nginx-1.15.1.tar.gz
$ unzip dev.zip
$ cd nginx-1.15.1Now we build nginx:
$ ./configure --with-http_ssl_module --add-module=../nginx-rtmp-module-dev
$ make
$ sudo make installAnd nginx is installed! By default it installs to /usr/local/nginx, so to start the server run the following command:
$ sudo /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx

And to test to make sure nginx is running, point your browser to http://<your server ip>/ and you should get the “Welcome to nginx!” page.

Step 3: Configuring nginx to use RTMP

Open your config file, located by default at /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf and add the following at the very end of the file:


rtmp {
        server {
                listen 1935;
                chunk_size 4096;

                application live {
                        live on;
                        record off;

This is an extremely basic configuration with a “live” application that simply forwards the RTMP stream on to whoever requests it. You can play with it some more later. Here’s the whole configuration guide, which shows you how to forward streams to other places (such as Twitch), save recordings of uploads, output stats, etc.

Restart nginx with:

$ sudo /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -s stop
$ sudo /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx

Step 4: Testing!

Your server should now be ready to accept RTMP streams! Let’s try it out.

Create a new profile in OBS, and change your Broadcast Settings thusly:

Streaming Service: Custom
Server: rtmp://<your server ip>/live
Play Path/Stream Key: testYou may be wondering where that play path “test” came from. Well, we just made it up, just now. You can basically make up any play path and stream to it, and put that path into an RTMP player, and it will play back. For simple purposes, authentication isn’t necessary in my experience.

You should now be able to start streaming to your server. If you hit “Start Streaming” and don’t get an error from OBS, that’s a good sign.

So how do you watch it? The easiest way to do so is with VLC (v2.1.0 or later). Just Open a Network Stream and enter in rtmp://<your server ip>/live/test as the URL. If it all worked right, then you should now be seeing your stream in VLC!

You now have a working RTMP server! Congrats!

What now?

You can add the stream to OBS itself using the Media source or VLC source, or use something like JWPlayer to play back the RTMP stream on a web site you set up.

You can also use your RTMP server to forward to other streaming services and channels! Underneath the “record off;” line in your nginx.conf, add the following:

push rtmp://<other streaming service rtmp url>/<stream key>And any stream streamed to that application will be forwarded on to the other service, as well as being served up from the server! You can add multiple “pushes” to forward the stream to multiple locations.

Alıntıdır, Ayrıca https://www.emrahemirtekin.com/nginx-ile-canli-yayin/ adresinde de türkçe kaynak bulunmakta…


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