#!/bin/bash# Shell script to backup MySQL database# Set these variablesMyUSER=”” # DB_USERNAMEMyPASS=”” # DB_PASSWORDMyHOST=”” # DB_HOSTNAME# Backup Dest directoryDEST=”” # /home/username/backups/DB# Email for notificationsEMAIL=””# How…
LDAP is a protocol that defines a series of operations through which you can access information that is part of a directory. A directory is a tree containing a set of attributes associated with a unique identifier (or primary key). If you are familiar with document-based databases, this may sound familiar. The primary key is usually a name. This means that LDAP is perfectly suited to be a user information database. Even though most of the time it is used as a user directory, LDAP can also work as a generic information sharing service.